First Biennale of Mathematical Art

MathArt 2003

Call for papers, exhibits and participation in the competition for the MathArt 2003 Prize


Participants in the Biennale are kindly requested to submit their material to

Abstracts for contributions at the workshop should be prepared as Word document not exceeding half A4 page. The abstract should include the title, the name of the author or authors and their addresses.

The book of abstracts will be available at the Biennale.

The files of the exhibits and the work of arts for the competition for the MathArt 2003 Prize should be in JPG format and the size of the picture should be 320 ´ 240 pixels in 72 dpi.
A short written explanation must be handed in with the pictures describing the way they were produced including algorithms, procedures, and other tools.

The names of the files of the pictures submitted for the competition must start with "C_<author>_". The number of works of art for the competition is limited to 3 pieces per author.

Accepted exhibits will be published on the Web on request.

The Proceedings of the Biennale will be published in the journal Unus Mundus.

Further information on technical details will be available in the second announcement.

Participants are kindly requested to return their completed preliminary registration forms to not later than 1 March 2003.