1. Zenkin A.A., Cognitive computer graphics. - Moscow : Nauka, 1991.

1a. Alexander A. Zenkin's WEB-Hompage: http://www.com2com.ru/alexzen (New!)

2. Zenkin A.A. Waring's problem from the standpoint of the cognitive interactive computer graphics. - Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol.13, No. 11, pp. 9 - 37, 1990.

3. Zenkin A.A., Superinduction: A New Method For Proving General Mathematical Statements With A Computer. - Doklady Mathematics, Vol.55, No.3, pp. 410-413 (1997). Translated from Doklady Alademii Nauk, Vol 354, No. 5, 1997, pp. 587 - 589.

4. Zenkin A.A., Generalized Waring's Problem: G(m,r)£ G(0,r) +m+1 for any m ³ 1, r ³ 3. - Doklady Mathematics, vol 56, No. 1, pp. 499-501 (1997). Translated from Doklady Alademii Nauk, Vol 355, No. 2, 1997, pp. 151 - 153.

5. Barwise Jon, and Etchemendy John, Hyperproof, Stanford: CSLI, and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

6. Hammer Eric, Logic and Visual Information, in Studies in Logic, Language, and Computation, Stanford: CSLI and FoLLI, 1995.

7. Zenkin A.A. Cognitive Visualization of the Continuum Problem and of the Hyper-Real Numbers Theory. - International Conference "Analyse et Logique", UMH, Mons, Belgia, 25-29 August, 1997. Abstarcts, pp. 93-94 (1997).

7a.. Zenkin A.A., Cognitive Visualization Of The Continuum Problem And Mirror Symmetric Proofs In Transfinite Numbers Mathematics. - ISIS-Symmetry Congress and Exhibitio. Abstracts, pp. 156. Haifa, Israel, 13-19 September, 1998.

8..Cohen Paul J. Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis. - Moscow : Mir, 1969.

9. Hausdorff F. Set theory. - Moscow - Leningrad : GINTL, 1937, p.70.

10.Davis M. Applied nonstandard analysis. - John Willey & SONS, N.Y., 1977.

11. Uspensky V.A. What is nonstandard analysis like? - Moscow : Nauka, 1987.

12. Kleene S.C. Introduction to Metamathematics. - D.Van Nostrand Company, Inc., N.Y. - Toronto, 1952.

13. Hammer Eric M. Symmetry as a method of proof. J. Philos. Logic, v.25 (1996), no.5, 523-543.

14. Leibniz Gotfried W. Monadology 1898; The Monadology by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz translated by Robert Latta; http://english-www.hss.cmu.edu/philosophy/leibniz-monadology.txt

Correspondence address:
Prof. A.A.Zenkin,
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117465, Moscow, RUSSIA.
Telephone: (7-095) 3372168
E-mail: alexzen@com2com.ru
WEB-Site: http://www.com2com.ru/alexzen

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