Robinson, Coxeter, and the beauty of mathematics
In 1995 H. S. M. Coxeter, the doyen of geometers, was elected as a Honorary
Member of ISIS-Symmetry. Since he was not able to attend our Washington
Congress, we visited him shortly before this event, together with Tohru
Ogawa. When we entered into his office at the University of Toronto,
I immediately observed on his table a model of John Robinson's sculpture "Intuition".
Coxeter was very much excited with this work, which inspired him to write
a paper "Symmetrical combinations of three or four hollow triangles",
Mathematical Intelligencer, 16 (1994), No. 3, 25-30;
"Postscript", 17
(1995), No. 1, 4. He gave us a reprint of this paper and we were able
to "visualize" another triangle shaped by Robinson, Coxeter,
and the beauty of mathematics.
Dénes Nagy
The original material
of J.Robinson is used with the kind permition of the author.