Adopted in Budapest, 16th August 1989, and
Article 1: Name and Address The name of the organization is "International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry" (abbreviation: ISIS-Symmetry; shorter name: Symmetry Society). The interest of the Society covers any interdisciplinary, inter-cultural study of various aspects of symmetry and related concepts (e.g., proportion, rhythm, invariance) in science, art, and technology ("symmetrology"). The Office of the Society resides at the residence of the President (currently in Melbourne, Australia) or the Executive Secretary. The Society may have additional regional offices. Article 2: Purpose The purpose of the Society is: Article 3: Non-profit organization The Society is a non-profit organization. Members of the Board, including the President, serve without any remuneration from the Society. Article 4: Membership There are four types of Membership: Ordinary, Student, Institutional and Honorary. Article 5: Membership fee Membership fees are determined by the Board. Currently Ordinary Members pay an annual fee of US$ 90.00, Student Members US$ 45.00, what includes free subscription to the Society's journal. Institutional Membership fees are determined by the Board. Decisions on waivers can also be made by the Board. Article 6: Board and Advisory Board The highest decision-making body of the Society is the General Assembly. The Board is elected by the General Assembly and acts on behalf of it until its next meeting. The Officers are elected by open voting for the period between two Interdisciplinary Symmetry Congresses (usually for three years). All Members have the right to nominate candidates. The Board consists of the President, the Chairperson of the Advisory Board, the Executive Secretary, Secretaries, and further Members of the Board. The Board elects the members of the Advisory Board. The Board may invite Honorary Presidents, Chairpersons of Projects, Liaison persons to related societies or journals, etc. The Board may also appoint ad hoc Committees for specific purposes, e.g., Advisory Committee of meetings/exhibitions, Editorial Board of publications. Article 7: Officers The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Society; shall be responsible for executing the general policies of the Society and the concrete decisions made by the Board or the Members; shall act as a spokesman; and shall represent the Society in general at other scientific/artistic fora. The Chairperson of the Advisory Board shall represent the Society and express the opinion shared by the Advisory Board in scientific/artistic affairs. The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for conducting the affairs of the Society under the supervision of the President, may substitute for the President in any function at the decision of the Board or at the request of the President, and performs the functions of a treasurer. The Secretaries of the Society shall help the work of the Executive Secretary in executing the general policies of the Society.