The first congratulation letter we received from Nat Friedman,
the president of ISAMA (The International Society of the Arts,
Mathematics and Architecture), only three hours after "Visual Mathematics"
appeared on the Web:
After that we received them from Kim Williams, the Editor of
the Nexus Network Journal,
Gyorgy Darvas, the Secretary of ISIS-Symmetry, Jozef Przytycki, Tsion Avital, Ron Eglash,
Eliana Maria Guedes, Michael Leyton, Mihaly Szoboszlai, Robert Dewar, Ray Tennant,
Vera W. de Spinadel, John Robinson, Dirk Hoylebrouck ...
and they are still comming.
After my first Editors' Preface published at March 24, 1999,
six hours before the NATO aggression to Yugoslavia, I received more than 40 messages of
solidarity from ISIS-Symmetry members and other coleagues.